Today, not only young people who fond of gadgets, there was in America 99 years old iPad was bought by his son and it turned out like her grandmother.
Now 99 years old who entered the year to 100 in his life was named Virginia Campbell and has a hobby of reading and a bachelor's degree in English literature. Unfortunately he has glaucoma disease so difficult to read.
Now 99 years old who entered the year to 100 in his life was named Virginia Campbell and has a hobby of reading and a bachelor's degree in English literature. Unfortunately he has glaucoma disease so difficult to read.
But with the iPad he can read because the screen is clear and the contrast and can raise or writing letters that seem to make it back to grandma could read. Grandma has been reading two books through this iPad, even writing poetry in the iPad.
Grandma was already heard the news about this and wanted iPad, iPad is so their children participate at the launch iPad queue on the first day. Please note that the iPad was the first computer device for him.
Wondering grandmother made this poem about iPad?
"To this technology-it's clear ninny
Compromised in my 100th year,
That to read and to write
Acres within sight again
Apple iPad pioneer of this. "