Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Android Stake in China Doubled in 2011

Android is getting stronger dominance in China's market share in 2011. In just a few years, Android has taken over the market share in China. Studies of Analysys International shows that the stock has doubled Android's market share in China in 2011.

Shares of Google OS was increased from 33.6% to 68.4% in China, and we all know that Android is also booming all over the place. The most surprising is Apple's market share which only 5.7% in 2011. This is surprising since Android and Apple have a fierce battle in America.

Even Symbian has defeated IOS with 18.7% market share. This decline could be due to Apple that the iPhone 4 and 4S that look almost identical. Whether this percentage will affect you as an Apple smartphone users to switch to a smartphone Android? Which suits you best?

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